Public Records Request

The Public Records Act as found in NRS 239 ensures that government documents are available to the public for inspection or copying within the constraints of the law.

Except as outlined in the Public Employees’ Benefit Program (PEBP) Public Records Request Policy, all of the public records shall be open for public inspection and copying however, the PEBP Executive Officer may make reasonable rules governing the time, place and manner of inspection and copying. Further, copies or electronic duplicates of PEBP records may be substituted in lieu of the original records and reasonable costs may be collected. Public records, the disclosure of which would invade a persons’ right to privacy, breach a legally recognized duty of confidence or which constitute attorney-client communications between PEBP staff and the Attorney General’s office may not be available for public inspection. A determination of non-disclosure must be made in consultation with the Attorney General’s office.

There may be charges associated with the request for Public Records. Please refer to the Fee Schedule for Public Records Requests for further details.

Public Records Contact Information

Public Employees’ Benefits Program
Public Records Official

3427 Goni Road, Suite 109
Carson City, NV 89706
Phone: (775) 684-7000
Fax: (775) 684-7028