Retiring and/or Medicare Eligible How-Tos

I am retiring, how do I enroll in retiree coverage?


Within 60 days of your retirement date, complete and submit the required forms. You will need to submit a Retiree Benefit and Enrollment Change Form (RBECF) along with a Years of Service (YOS) Certification Form to the PEBP office. If you are age 65 or older, you will need to submit a copy of your Medicare Parts A and/or B card. You may also need to transition to the Medicare Exchange at that time. You can also view our Retiring Before Age 65 or Retiring After Age 65 sections of the website for additional information to help as you transition into retirement. All events require review and approval by the PEBP Eligibility Department to ensure compliance with the PEBP Master Plan Document.

This applies to: Active Employees & Pre-Medicare Retirees

I am retired and Medicare eligible, how do I transition to the Medicare Exchange program offered by PEBP?

If you are retired and nearing age 65, you will need to contact the Social Security Administration to apply for premium-free Medicare Part A and purchase Part B coverage. Submit a copy of your Medicare card to PEBP, and the Retiree Benefit Enrollment and Change Form (RBECF) indicating your Medicare Eligibility Change in section 1. Then, contact Via Benefits to enroll in a medical supplemental plan. This event must be completed within 60 days of your Medicare effective date.

This applies to: Medicare Retirees & Pre-Medicare Retirees

I am retired and not eligible for premium-free Medicare Part A, how do I remain on the PEBP plan?

If you are retired and nearing age 65, you will need to contact the Social Security Administration to request a premium-free Part A denial letter. You will also need to purchase Part B coverage. Submit copies of the Part A denial letter and Part B card to PEBP. If you are ineligible for premium-free Part A, you will be able to retain coverage under the CDHP, LD, EPO or HMO plan.

This applies to: Medicare Retirees & Pre-Medicare Retirees

How do I terminate my PEBP retiree benefits?

A retiree can decline the retiree insurance anytime by submitting a written request to PEBP to decline all benefits including medical, dental, vision, prescription drug coverage, basic life insurance, voluntary life insurance (if applicable), Years of Service premium subsidy, and Exchange-HRA contribution (if applicable). Please send your cancelation request to:

Public Employees' Benefits Program
3427 Goni Road, Suite 109
Carson City, NV 89706

This applies to: Medicare Retirees & Pre-Medicare Retirees